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interior design materials

B r i n g i n g  D e s i g n  t o  L i f e

Flow noun [flō] - a smooth uninterrupted movement or progress. I'm dedicated to helping interior designers bring their creative visions to life with grace and precision. I understand that a smooth, uninterrupted flow is the essence of exceptional design. My mission is to be your unwavering partner, streamlining every facet of your projects to eliminate bottlenecks and distractions.

Picture this: You focus solely on the design, and I take care of everything else. From project management to meticulous coordination, I'm here to ensure that your vision not only meets but exceeds your clients' expectations. Together, we'll elevate your interior design business, delivering exceptional results while maintaining your creative flow and brand growth.

boho vignette

M Y  S T O R Y

I have been passionate about making a house a home since a young age, I believe it's the hub of living. After establishing a career in the tech industry at companies like Google and Amazon Advertising doing corporate event planning, I have a knack for bringing order to chaos and deeply understanding tech-driven solutions. 

This year I took my skills to the Interior industry and have been freelancing for a Bay Area designer, assisting with overall Business Operations and Project Management. 

I'm excited to bring my thoughtful planning to more Interior Designers, to allow them to focus on creating and growing their business. 

DesignFlow by Kelsey, LLC

Napa, California

©2023 by DesignFlow by Kelsey, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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